Software developer 2020 vs 2010
· 2 min read
I was starting my career in software development in 2008. We are now in 2020. What seemed to be true in 2010 and seems funny in 2020?
- jQuery is the best thing that could happen for JavaScript and best library ever
- Internet is not usable on phone. You need a desktop browser
- You need to be a Linux or Windows guru to setup a production-ready server
- SQL database is the most important component of the system. You cannot just store data in files
- We do not have any unit tests and are not worried at all
- Agile methodologies is a new thing. We have read about it and maybe will try in a new project after the specs are ready
- Big data is a new thing and it's about creating OLTP cubes
- Machine learning is a niche academical subject, not usable in practice
- Functional programming is a niche, good only for mathematicians
- XML is nice, you can use cool XSLT transformations with it
- You cannot be hired as a programmer after 3-weeks course
- You can use cookies and users do not have to know
In 2010 you could say those things and be promoted to a team leader as a very wise person. How does it sound in 2020? :)
To get even more sentimental you can also check this article as a nice summary of last decade in software development: