Apache Ignite as an alternative to Redis cache
Introduction to Redis
I am quite a big fan of Redis as a distributed in-memory cache. It also acts good as a session storage.
There is a network penalty to communicate with Redis service, so as with talking to database you cannot be too chatty. It's much better to ask for multiple keys in a single request at the beginning of your logic to quickly get all necessary data at hand. But reading the values from Redis should be much quicker than from database. First of all it's a simple key-value store so it's like always reading by primary key . Secondly we benefit from having everything in RAM. It is also possible to run Redis in persistent mode but that's a different use case, when you may not use an SQL database at all.
Cache-aside pattern
RAM is usually limited and cannot store all the data we have. Especially that in Redis you will usually introduce quite a lot of redundancy to keep as much as possible in a single key. Limited memory space is easily solvable by applying cache-aside pattern.
Updating data in Redis
More difficult problem to solve is refreshing data in Redis when something changes. One solution is to set expiration date after specific time but your users would not be happy. We all live in a real-time instantly updated world. Delay by design? It does not look good. So what is left is to remove old data from Redis as soon as it was changed. First of all you need to identify all the places in your system where given piece of information is modified. In a big legacy system that may be a challenge. If you are more lucky your system may have proper event sourcing implementation allowing for easy change detection by just listening on events. OK so we know that given entity has changed, which keys to remove from Redis now? It is handy if your code is able to generate all the Redis keys under which data from given entity is stored and delete them in a single Redis call. For batch updates you may consider using scan operation for keys pattern-matching.
Updating data in Apache Ignite
Apache Ignite is easier to introduce as a cache layer in a system with SQL database because it supports SQL and Read-through/Write-through pattern. There is out-of-the-box integration with Entity Framework: https://apacheignite-net.readme.io/docs/entity-framework-second-level-cache Unfortunately no version for EF Core is available.
If you use EF >= 6.1 < 7 and would like to introduce distributed cache or you are already fighting with not-updated-cache bugs every week, consider using Apache-Ignite.